Street dance | Dance lessons for children
The Streetdance lessons for children consist of the kids’ dance party for up to 6 years and the street dance for 6+. These classes are all about having fun and getting all the energy out! Within each lesson, we playfully work on a fun dance. Each lesson is 45 minutes long in order to maintain the concentration arc as optimally as possible. Fun contemporary kids, Pop, and Hip Hop music are used in all three classes. This can be in English, but also in Dutch music.
The 4+ toddler dance will work on a fun routine for 1 song, the pressure is low and the tempo depends on the group. About half of the lesson will be devoted to this. The last half will consist of closing games based on dance.
At the 6+ street dance class, a super cool Street dance piece is practiced a bit more seriously. Street dance used to be a dance style in which the movements were inspired by video clips of various artists. Nowadays it is often mixed with the Old School Hip Hop dance styles. Street dance is a dance style that is very dynamic, it moves with the times. Choreography is taught that is linked to the music. These dancers often also enjoy playing a game afterward, so they will definitely not be missed.

Do your children love to dance?
Talentfabriek 053 is the one and only place in Enschede where dance talent is optimally brought out of a child. Does your child like to dance? Register your kid(s) at our dance school in Enschede. Want to try it out first? No problem.
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- Rigtersbleek-Zandvoort 10-1.11, 7521 BE Enschede